Robert Beam (The International Meet, ucer, ex-virus 23) is an artist and great friend who resides in Bridgeport.I first met Beam at a Halloween party held by Stacy Valentine (Norwalks' Original Goth), I found out Beam had went to alot of the same shows I had gone to at The Anthrax and also, that he worked at a comic book store, We were brothers from that night. He worked at a comic book store all right but not at Galaxy Comics! The store where my allegiances lay - partly out of force of habit, But mostly because Galaxy Comics was little, dirty, dark, the guy who owned it was a BIG imposing gruff guy named Fred, who just couldn't be bothered unless you had a file, (I most certainly had a file), But the worst part was his wife. She was always there and usually screaming in the back of the shop from behind the banners and posters (Cerebus, Elfquest that type of shit), She scared me when she would come tromping out, I was a shy skinny lanky boy. Long story short - My new main man Beam worked at Flamingo Street or Dream Factory, and they are the quintessential new school shop with bright lights, everything clean, they are hosting role playing games, they are totally superhero-centric, (I maintained my file at Galaxy until it closed, then got one at Dream Factory, ugh Dream Factory -note sarcasm here- that's a really cool name.) I think it was even a goddamn chain store, if I remember correctly. But the topper was this kid who worked there who played that he was a vampire 24/7, presumably because he was really into 'The Crow'. That was some weird ass corny shit to do back then, kinda now, too.).But, after I met Beam I would go there every week to show him my sketchbook and look at his. In true Entourage style Beam would move next to Los Angeles with childhood friend Charlie Heath, star of the film Leprechaun 2, When he returned back east years later he lived with me for awhile up on Flax Hill Road and we would just draw together at night all the time, finishing each others drawings and collaborating on music, (additionally we would be skipping stones and singing Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows) it was a great time, But like all great times it eventually ended when we were asked to vacate the premises. Beam moved on to Black Rock and he seems to really love it and love to hate it, What one man can accomplish with both style and originality.